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How to choose your next travel resolution

6 January 2021

After months of dreaming of travel, we're sure, like us, you're looking forward to exploring again. Recently, we introduced our top travel resolutions, letting you know all the exciting ways you can see the world when the time comes. But, which resolution should you opt for when planning your next holiday? We have an enticing range of tours to suit all tastes, so whether you fancy a slowpaced sojourn or an adventure-packed escape, read on for our handpicked tips and suggestions on how to choose the perfect travel resolution to suit you.

When planning any trip, the first step is considering your specific travel needs; the details that will help inform the type of holiday you want to take and any limitations you may have. For example, how far are you willing to travel, and what kind of budget do you want to stick to?

If you're looking to travel on a budget, or would simply prefer to travel a little closer to home, you could resolve to See More of Our Nation and discover the wealth of beauty that lies just beyond our doorsteps in the UK. From nostalgic steam railways that let you Escape to Another Time, to cities that showcase a rich tapestry of culture and history, there's so much waiting to be discovered here, and the best part is, it's all just a train ride away.

Perhaps you're looking to treat yourself after a year like no other. In that case, the sky is the limit. Go Iconic on a holiday that includes a trip on a world-renowned railway, or Broaden Your Mind as you immerse yourself in history and culture at some of the world's most awe-inspiring UNESCO World Heritage sites. From the ancient archaeological wonders of Cambodia to the pristine white marble of India's Taj Mahal, our carefully-crafted itineraries take you to places that celebrate the very best of the world's natural and cultural heritage.

If 2020 has left you longing for adventure, there's perhaps no better way to get back out there and start living your travel goals than resolving to Discover Somewhere Completely New. This is an excellent resolution to make because you can tailor it to suit you and your needs perfectly. Maybe you want to branch out and enrich your mind in the far-flung lands of Asia or Africa, or perhaps there's a great English city you're dying to visit but haven't quite got around to. Near or far, there's nothing like experiencing a brand new destination to help you truly fall back in love with travel.

If the reason you're travelling is to celebrate a special event, be it a birthday or anniversary, our special interest holidays will help make it truly memorable. Plan Something Special and experience something magical with a unique seasonal event, be it a carnival or a flower show. A special occasion could also be the perfect time to unlock your travel dreams, so why not Embark on an Epic Adventure and make a loved one's birthday, anniversary or retirement celebration one they'll never forget? Our tours in the USA and Canada introduce you to legendary railways, largerthan- life cities, and some of the world's most spectacular national parks.

You could opt to step outside your comfort zone and make 2021 the year to explore a different style of travelling. Experience the ultimate in liberating travel when you Go Solo and discover the joy of being self-indulgent on a holiday with plenty of 'me time'. Be More Spontaneous and opt for a last-minute holiday, exploring a place you maybe hadn't previously considered. Or, Try a Different Way to Travel altogether on a luxurious river cruise with our sister company, Great Rail Journeys, and explore the waterways of Europe from the chic surrounds of your floating homeaway- from-home.

Whatever you choose, the key thing to remember is it's your holiday, so it's all about you. Focus on your travel dreams and goals, and take the time to channel all the months spent daydreaming about seeing the world again into planning a truly unforgettable escape - you've earned it. Our travel resolutions offer the perfect starting point to planning your next adventure, so head here to indulge your wanderlust. Don't forget to let us know how you want to see the world again by getting involved in our poll, and join our mailing list to be the first to discover the nation's number one travel resolution!