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Why spontaneous travel is so liberating, and where to go

5 March 2018

There are many powerful reasons to travel; immersing yourself in the rich culture of an unknown country, expanding your perspectives, pausing to appreciate the natural beauty of the world we live in, and disconnecting from our often monotonous day to day routines. Ultimately, we travel so that we can feel rejuvenated and relaxed, and there is perhaps no better way to achieve this than through a spontaneous travel adventure.

In the modern age of constant connectivity, the internet and social media have made meticulous holiday planning simple. With seemingly no end to the amount of information we have access to on the internet, it has suddenly become all too easy to over-plan - with resources such as Google Maps, TripAdvisor and Facebook at our disposal, we have the ability to carefully organise every last detail; from the must-visit historic sights, to where to find the best breakfast spots each day, and the dish to order once we're there. We can even virtually walk around our chosen destination, memorising the streets that surround our hotel and carefully taking note of all the most photogenic spots for our holiday snaps, all without ever leaving our homes. And while being organised is, of course, a good thing, excessive planning can have an adverse effect, often taking much of the magic out of travel. Planning down to the smallest detail months in advance can mean that once you actually arrive at your destination, you're at risk of feeling as though you're simply going through the motions. Do you really feel like eating the dish that you painstakingly selected when browsing an online menu weeks ago? And is discovering the charms of the local area really that exciting when you've already wandered the streets countless times on Google Street View in preparation?

This is why forgoing the methodical organisation that so often goes hand in hand with a planned holiday and instead choosing to enjoy an impromptu break can be so liberating. Nothing is quite as thrilling for a travel enthusiast as seeing a new place for the first time, and the excitement and instant gratification that comes with that. Planning a little less and living in the moment allows you to make the most of each day in your destination, knowing that you have granted yourself the freedom to simply appreciate the joys of travel.

Where to go


Europe is an amazing choice for a spontaneous break. Just a short plane ride or Eurostar journey and you can be delighting in the charms of the continent. A wealth of varied countries with rich culture, fascinating history and stunning scenery make Europe one of the most desirable destinations for travellers worldwide. Italy, France and Spain in particular are ideal choices for a spontaneous break; popular but with great reason, and each with their own unique charms - it's difficult to go wrong with a visit to any of these fantastic destinations.

Spontaneous travel grants you the freedom to live like a local, with the lack of time to make detailed plans freeing up your days and forcing you to concentrate on your needs at that exact moment. Stroll around the ancient streets of incredible Rome, relax on the stunning Catalan Coast, or enjoy the romantic charms and gastronomy of Paris, using your unplanned time to truly appreciate your surroundings. And, if you pass an intriguing looking restaurant or quirky little café, forget the guidebooks and online reviews and pop in for a coffee or bite to eat - you could uncover a hidden gem!


You don't always have to cross oceans for a great, spontaneous getaway. There's no denying that we have a wealth of beauty lying just beyond our doorsteps, all reachable in a matter of hours by car or train journey. With holidays in the UK requiring so little planning and yet having so much to offer, many people are now opting for the cheerily named 'staycation' and taking the time to discover the allure of the place we call home. Whether you want to discover vast moorlands and picturesque seaside towns with a trip to Yorkshire, or head to vibrant Edinburgh for a short break filled with unique culture and history, a break in the UK is one of the easiest ways to indulge in some spontaneous leisure time. All you need to do is pick a destination, pack your bags and go.


For the more adventurous traveller, a spontaneous break to a faraway shore can provide some much needed excitement and freedom, not to mention memories to last a lifetime. Take the opportunity to immerse yourself in a completely new culture by visiting somewhere you've always dreamed of. Often, destinations are left unticked on our bucket lists because we don't allow ourselves the freedom of spontaneity. Perhaps you've always wanted to see the Taj Mahal, and keep telling yourself it will happen in a year or two - but why wait?

Now, we're certainly not suggesting turning up at the airport and booking the next flight to India. Being spontaneous does not have to mean being reckless, and with all travel should come a certain degree of preparation - finances, visas and travel insurance should all still be at the forefront of your mind when deciding to take a spontaneous break. Travelling spontaneously is more about liberating yourself, eschewing the meticulous planning and unnecessary stress, and taking the opportunity to truly live in the moment.