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Spring Festivals

16 April 2018

There is so much to love about spring. Not only is it the season that finally, finally, brings a slow end to the coldness of winter, but it's when the flowers begin to bloom, the baby animals appear in fields, and when the world wakes up in a fantastic way after a long, dark time. There can be no better way to wake up the world than a festival (in our opinion), so here are just a few of the springtime celebrations that you can see in around the globe.

RHS Chelsea Flower Show

One cannot suggest springtime and flowers without mentioning the undoubted queen of all flower shows, the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. With a history that goes back over 100 years, this bastion in floral majesty is the ultimate in spring shows that focus on nature. This is a five day event that pits the best of the best gardeners against each other, to compete for prizes such as 'Best Show Garden' and various floral arrangement trophies. These incredible displays of artistry are open to the public, and are enjoyed by tens of thousands of people from all over the world.

Keukenhof Gardens

Keukenhof literally means 'Kitchen Garden', so it's no wonder that this fantastic part of Holland is the place to be in the spring. The gardens are only open for a short time - and what a glorious time that is. These landscaped grounds are absolutely flooded with colour, and are an utter feast for the senses. From a myriad of multi-coloured flowers, including the tulips that Holland is so internationally renowned for, to a glorious Flower Parade held just once a year, this magical garden is the epitome of all things spring time, and is a definite must see for all flower lovers.


As with all things spring, this is a full on festival of colours. This is one of the messiest and most joyful events in the Hindu calendar, and is celebrated all around the world. The festival is enjoyed as a way of renewal - to repair relationships that have been broken, to give thanks for things, and to pray for a good harvest. In legend, the festival came about as a way to revel in good triumphing over evil. Nowadays, non-Hindus have been enraptured by the lively festival, which sees ginormous crowds of people gathering together to throw colourful powder over each other, however it still remains faithful to its Hindu roots. A lot of the reason it is so loved is because it's a really inclusive festival - anyone is fair game to receive a faceful of colour, no matter your background!

Venice Carnival

Depending on when Easter is, it really depends on whether or not this can be counted as a spring festival, however it is far too fantastic and colourful not to be included. This is originally an ancient celebration, with roots dating back to the 12th century. During the more sedate years of the 18th century, the masks that formed a cornerstone of the festival were banned, and the carnival came to an end. In the 1970s, it was restarted, and grew to international renown. Known for the vibrant and intricate costumes and masks, this festival was created as an attempt to level out the different social standings for a short time. 

Rio Carnival

Another one that depends on the date of Easter, but also another one that is far too colourful and vibrant to not be included in this list. This incredible week-long festival is a cacophony of sights, sounds, and samba, and is arguably the most famous carnival of its kind in the world. Beginning on the Friday before Ash Wednesday, and running until the Winners Parade a week later, it is easy to get absolutely lost and enthralled in the spectacle of the intricate floats, which often have an array of moving parts to make the sight even more unbelievable. There are also thousands of colourfully clad dancers that delight the audience with their lively moves. The carnival is presided over by a man crowned King Momo, as well as the 'Queens of the Carnival'