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As a result of Italian engineering works, adjustments have been implemented to enhance our itinerary.

Day 1

  • On the tour departing 06/05, you will spend the night in Chambéry on Day 1, before travelling by coach to Turin on Day 2 and joining the train to Montecatini Terme.

As a result of Italian engineering works, adjustments have been implemented to enhance our itinerary.

Day 1

  • On the tour departing 19/06, you will travel from Paris to Strasbourg, where you will spend the night on Day 1. On Day 2, you will travel by train via Basel to Milan, from where a coach transfer will take you to Lake Garda.

Day 9

  • On the tour departing 29/05, you will travel by coach to Milan and travel by train via Basel to Strasbourg, France. On Day 10, you will travel direct to Paris by train and connect to the Eurostar back to London
  • On the tour departing 19/06, you will travel by coach to Milan and travel by train via Basel to Mulhouse in the Alsace region of France. On Day 10, you will travel direct to Paris by train and connect to the Eurostar back to London